Updated July 2023

(Fords) will always follow the advice from all Government Bodies in relation to any future pandemic’s that may affect Staff, Visitors, and Customers.

Where Social Distancing is required, Fords will implement as required for the duration of such pandemic, this may include but not limited to:

● Provision of hand-sanitizer and disinfectant wipes for team members and site visitors

● Increasing our proactive cleaning of entry points, common areas, equipment, and shared facilities

● Cancellation of non-essential training, projects, and large events/meetings

● Restriction of visitors to our depot

● Communication of good personal hygiene practices

● Working remotely

Cleaning of vehicles will always fall in line with Government, or V/Line guidelines.  When required, extensive cleaning regime will be implemented by our cleaning team for cleaning of our vehicles, this will be in addition to the regular cleaning.

During a Pandemic, Fords will review and will cancel any planned Tours or Trips where necessary.  Where possible, all deposits or payments made to Fords Coach Travel relating to trips or tours will be refunded ASAP and mailed out to customers.

Contractors, Visitors, and Customers will be asked to call the office on 03 5821 3777 for any business-related enquiries.  The office will not be open for personal contact.

Fords will monitor the situation during the pandemic and take necessary steps to comply with current and future laws.

Staff directly affected by the pandemic will be required to follow the advice of Government bodies to reduce the risk of spread in the workplace.  This may include “Stay at home” directions.